Believing that we are somehow beneath another because they seem to have access to knowledge, power, or abilities that we do not is the illusion of subservience. We might even feel we need to obey or follow them. I’m not saying this to offend anyone, but we are often taught that we are to obey those above us or obey a religious figure of some sort or any other person in authority.   This can lead us to behave in ways that are not in alignment with our values, or we can accept what someone in authority tells us simply because of their position, even if we know it isn’t true!

With this illusion, we may not even notice we had agreed with something until later when we realize we did not speak up and correct that person when they said something to us or about us that is not true. We might be able to articulate this to a close friend we trust and then see that we went along with something that did not accurately portray where we are coming from. As with all of the 7 illusions, even when we see we have fallen into an unconscious trap or pattern, there is still hope! In fact, simply becoming aware of this indicates that we are ready to address it and take steps to release any energy we have trapped in illusion. Again using The Sedona Method®, we let go of “wanting to be controlled.” Now, of course, no one actually wants to be controlled by another, but when we DON’T want something, that feeds it. In other words, we are leaking energy or simply suppressing our life force by trapping it in illusion. Another way to put it is we are holding hands with what we don’t want and giving that our energy. Releasing can help us free up the energy we have bound in this illusion. We can become more comfortable saying “no” when we need to or leave situations and relationships that are not mutual. Honoring others’ choices is another possible side effect of releasing this illusion. When we live beyond this illusion, we can become less likely to want others to be subservient to us as well! We may also begin to see that if another person wants to dominate us, we can walk away without an argument.

In TSM teachings, Hale Dwoskin talks about knowing when to yield and when to be assertive. This is yet another possible positive outcome from freeing ourselves from the illusion of subservience. We become more fluid in our interactions, responding in ways that honor us without placing ourselves above or below another individual. We can also become more accepting when another person needs to say no to us. Mutuality can grow, and harm can be reduced when we create an atmosphere of equality and truth. We can yield to others who have strengths we do not and vice versa.

We bow in honor rather than bowing down to another.

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